Intelligent Fire Engineering Tool (IFETool) - Detection   

Design Information:

   Ceiling Height (H) [2.0 - 4.0 m]    
   Max. Fire Size [200 -1055 kW]    
   Fire Growth Rate [kW/s2]   
   Fire Convective Fraction [0.6 - 0.74]    
   Radial Distance (r) [0 - 10 m]    
   Depth Below Ceiling (d) [0.05 - 0.20 m]    
   Ambient Temperature [0 - 100 °C]    

Fire Protection Device Features:

   Activation Temperature (°C)          
   Response Time Index RTI          




AI result Calculation
   Activation Time (s)
   Activation HRR (kW)

Gas Temperature Profile

Gas Velocity Profile

Heat Release Rate Profile

Reference with instruction for use

Y. Zeng, X. Huang (2023) Smart Building Fire Safety Design Driven by Artificial Intelligence, In Naser M.Z. (ed), Interpretable Machine Learning for the Analysis, Design, Assessment, and Informed Decision Making for Civil Infrastructure. Elsevier, Chapter 5. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-824073-1.00011-3.